

Below, for your perusing pleasure are our newsletters not only from our very own newsletter editor, Susan McChesney. She does a wonderful job of putting it together every month. But there are newsletters from the Rocky Mountain Federation and the Golden Spike. Both are full of amazing articles.


July 2024

June 2024

May 2024 Newsletter

RMF News.2024_3_Apr(Red)RMF News.2024_3_Apr(Red)

GJGMC April 2024 Newsletter

 GJGMC Newsletter March 2024

February 2024  

 Golden Spike NEWS_February 2024 (1)

GJGMC January 2024 Newsletter

Golden Spike NEWS January 2024

Below are some location maps for rockhounding:

Petrified Wood Location Map

Jet Location Map

Petrified Wood Location Map Jet Location Map Devils Toenails Location MAp



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