Junior Rock Club


Junior Science Rock Club               

The Junior Science Rock Club is all about having a fun educational experience for ages 5-18.  Our club is a participant in the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Badge program in which 20 badges can be earned. There is no charge to join and members will receive a club vest after 

Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month 5:00-6:00 pm. at the Grand Junction Gem & Mineral Club. Our clubhouse is at 2328 Monument Road.  Parents or guardians are encouraged to attend but is not required. A typical meeting agenda includes a presentation and hands-on activity.  Also, field trips are planned throughout the year.


Club leader: Beverly O’Neil                                                                         

Email: oneilb@q.com
Cell: 970-261-5890                                                                                                         



Individual Information Sheet -updated 7-23-24

Jr Rock Members Liability Release





          Map Reading Skills at CMU Geology Department in February 2024



Putting their map reading skills to the test with a hike on the National Monument:

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